West Community Discipleship Development Day

Discipleship Development Day- West Community

Come To 4-D – A West Community
Discipleship Development Day

Discover Resources that
Deepen Your Faith
so you can Discern Your Gifts and Develop Your Skills
Everyone is invited to a day of Christian Growth
on Saturday, September 23,
at Community Presbyterian Church
125 Everett Road, Pinehurst

9AM                           Gathering Refreshments & Check-in
9:20                            Announcements & Room Assignments
9:30 to 10:30                       Session 1
10:45AM to Noon            Session 2
Noon                         Depart to Love & Serve the Lord

Discipleship Development Day has topics for everyone:

  • Personal Devotion & Small Group Resources
  • Conversations for Children’s and Youth Leaders
  • Enrichment for Deacons and Elders and Moderators
  • Help Enhancing or Re-starting Presbyterian Women’s Ministry
  • Treasurer/Finance Training
  • Choirs and Musicians

This event is free & open to the whole Presbytery.
(It will not be live-streamed)

Please Pre-register by September 19
so we have enough materials for everyone.

Click here to Register

Discover – Deepen – Discern – Develop


Course descriptions below

West Community Discipleship Development Day


Two Part Topics (Session 1 & 2)

Treasurers’ & Finance Committee Training

This two-part workshop will address practical and legal matters that treasurers need to be aware of in caring for the church’s finances, records, and assets. Counting and depositing cash wisely, IRS matters, Record keeping and Reporting, Bequests, Guidelines to do an in-house audit and Time to ask questions.

Joe F. Weaver has worked as a CPA since 1991 operating a CPA firm in Asheboro; prior to that was in industry as an internal auditor. He has served on the Finance Committee for the Foothills Presbytery while a member at Fort Hill Presbyterian. He has conducted what is called Agreed Upon Procedures for several churches. This is not an audit but, basically, he looked at certain aspects concerning financial information for these churches. This enabled him to give these churches some level of comfort concerning their financial condition and, perhaps most importantly, that the people in place were carrying out their responsibilities proficiently. He is married to Rev. Connie Weaver.  He graduated from UNC- Chapel Hill but also attended his first two years at Campbell where he ran cross country and track.

Beyond Prayers: Practical Methods for Supporting Mental Health in your Congregation

This two-part workshop will provide theological foundations and practical tips for supporting mental health in your congregation. Focusing on anxiety and depression, participants will leave this workshop with tools to support the congregation as a whole as well as individuals who are seeking help for specific pastoral care needs.

Leaders: Rev. Dr. Jenny Lee is the pastor of Pocket Presbyterian Church in Sanford.  She is a graduate of Campbell University (BA and M.Div.) and East Tennessee State University (Ed.D). Dr. Daniel Maurer is a Clinical Psychologist and OIC at Fort Liberty. He attended American University (BS) and St. Louis University (Ph.D). They have been married since 2014 and are parents to Zada (16) and Ashe (6).

Choirs & Music:
Part 1: Choir on a Budget – Creative use of hymns
Part 2: Music in the Order of worship and resources application

These sessions will be an interactive and practical time of singing, exploring the hymnal, and thinking creatively about music in worship.

Mary F. Rush holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Mount Union College in Alliance, Ohio.  She is currently Director of Music at Cameron Presbyterian, and is K – 12 choral and instrumental music instructor at Sandhills Classical Christian School in Whispering Pines. She also maintains a private piano studio. Having served in pastoral ministry with her late husband, Mrs. Rush has grown public school music programs in Indiana, Iowa and West Virginia as well. She enjoys working with and encouraging small volunteer church choirs while developing their faith and commitment in music ministry.

Session 1 Options (9:30-10:30)

Small Group or Sunday School Resource: Help Is Here by Max Lucado,

Explore how Help Is Here by Max Lucado might be used in as a group study resource.  It is an in-depth look at the Holy Spirit….Finding fresh strength and purpose in the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you drowning in questions you can’t answer and problems you can’t solve? Grab on to the life-saving strength of the Holy Spirit! Reminding you that limitations don’t define you, Lucado reveals who the Spirit is, how he can empower us to become more joyful, and ways we can overcome anything when we draw closer to God.

Commissioned Pastor John Baker has led small group Bible study groups in his home and church for many years. He currently serves as pastor at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Sanford. He Completed Commissioned Ruling (CRE) Elder Training in May 2015 then accepted a call to Pastor Montpelier PC, in Wagram.  In 2021 he took a call to Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church in Sanford.

Mission Ideas for Youth, Children & Congregations

Learn about the impact a simple emergency supply kit in a zip lock bag or a bucket can have on a displaced family during a disaster or at a temporary shelter.  See sample CWS Kits, and a CWS blanket, Learn how to make the kits, and how to have a Blanket Sunday or find a CROP Hunger Walks  near you.  All of these options are accessible for everyone. www.cwsglobal.org

Roberta Smith of Church World Service

What are the new Policy Requirements for Churches in the 2023-25 Book of Order

What about the new policies required by the Book of Order? How do churches develop them?  What is the new requirement for boundary training for session members? Church leaders may want to obtain 2023-2025 Book of Order to see the new requirements at G-3.0106 (pg 46 in bold)

Rev. Jerrod Lowry is the General Presbyter & Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina

PW Spark – On Developing Presbyterian Women’s Group in your church

PW Leaders will be here to share resources and talk about the help that your PW Coordinating Team members can provide to a congregation…..together we will encourage or guide ladies in rebooting PW or growing PW in their churches… We will also highlight the 2023-24 PW study book, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts.

PW Leaders from Coastal Carolina

Session 2 Options (10:45 to Noon)

Strengthening the Session’s Work Through Worship

Do you feel as if something is missing in your session meetings? The session is more than a board of directors charged with making decisions for an organization. As the spiritual leaders of the congregation, Ruling and Teaching Elders “are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life.” This workshop will introduce ways to strengthen your session’s spiritual life by structuring your session meeting as a worship service. Specific examples and resources will be shared to guide your session in nurturing the faith and life of your Ruling Elders.

Philip Gladden graduated from Davidson College and Union Presbyterian Seminary (Richmond). He also earned his Ph.D. in Biblical Studies (New Testament) from Union. He served churches in Eastern North Carolina for forty years, the last twenty-five as pastor of the Wallace Presbyterian Church, before retiring in June 2023. He is married to Dr. Nancy J. Gladden, Mission Coordinator of the East Community.

Youth Leaders Forum: Resource and Idea Sharing

Our time together is designed to be what those present need most; whether that is community and fellowship with others who lead youth, sharing and brainstorming ideas and resources for specific church contexts, and building relationships with others who lead youth in the area. Learn about what Presbytery’s Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC) has to offer and ways that churches can partner together.

Jerusalen Martinz, Associate for Youth Ministries in the Presbytery and Elizabeth Nix, the Director of Christian Education at West End Presbyterian. Elizabeth works with children, youth, their families, and adults in educational ministry. Her passion in ministry includes walking alongside disciples of all ages in faith formation, but especially equipping our youngest disciples in faith that transforms their lives and the world around them.

Explore two great options for a Small Group or Sunday School class

Explore how one or both of these books might benefit your personal devotional study or be used in as a small group study or class. This class will introduce you to the books: ‘Holy Envy’ by Barbara Brown Taylor & ‘Short Stories by Jesus’ by Amy-Jill Levine

Commissioned Pastor Bucky Holmes serves as pastor of Barbecue Presbyterian Church in Sanford and is a member of First Presbyterian Church of Sanford. He is currently co-chair of the West Commission on Ministry.  He is a graduate of Duke University.

On Fraud, Scams & Safety – How to Protect Yourself          

A presentation on how to identify scams and schemers trying to take your money through phone calls, texts, emails, fake door to door sales, and social media, plus some basics of home security.

This will be led by two Detectives from the Pinehurst Police Department.

Please Pre-register by September 19
so we have enough materials for everyone.

Click here to Register

This event was developed by the West Community Steering Team, Chaired by Wendy Tomczak of Priest Hill PC, with the direction of Laura Lupton, Mission Coordinator for the West Community.

Congregations supporting the ‘Shared Mission budget of Presbytery’ make this connectional event possible.