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  • lauralupton

Work Team to Puerto Rico

Let’s send a second work team to Puerto Rico in February of 2025.

Puerto Rican Families are still waiting for assistance in their rebuilding.  Disaster Recovery is a long process! The hope many of these families hold out for is volunteers to help them rebuild.  Insurance was not enough.  Their hope for safe and secure housing is made possible only through the labor, and love, of volunteers who hammer, paint, fix and repair so that their restoration is completed.

We are offering you an opportunity to serve and are forming a work team of up to 21 persons to travel to a Presbyterian Disaster Assistance host site in Puerto Rico then work with partner agencies to help in rebuilding work. We will be split into two groups on the island.

Do you, or someone you know, want to be part of this team?

Persons interested to be part of this team may apply now to be part of the team. We will be limiting participation to active members of our Presbyterian churches in Coastal Carolina. If more applicants are received than we have spots available, we will select team participants based upon several factors and notify them by August 31. This is an adult trip.

The cost of the trip is $1,400 per person. This cost includes airfare from RDU to San Juan, transportation, most meals, and lodging.  Participants are welcome to ask their home church to financially support their personal portion of the trip and/or make a gift to support the overall team.

Please share this opportunity with persons in your church that may be interested to be part of this Disaster Recovery Volunteer Team.

To apply persons need to complete this form  by August 5, 2024. Once persons are selected for the team, a deposit of $600 will be needed in September.

If you have questions, please contact Laura Lupton at 910-818-9938.  Persons who feel called to financially support this trip or sponsor participants should contact us about how to remit those generous donations.

Sample Bulletin Announcement:

PUERTO RICO Mission Trip: Are you interested in helping with disaster rebuilding and recovery work in Puerto Rico? Our Presbytery is seeking interested persons to apply to be part of a team traveling to Puerto Rico February 1-8, 2025. The per person cost is $1,400 which includes transportation, meals and lodging. Interested persons should complete the online information form by August 5. Go to complete the application. Trip Coordinator is Laura Lupton

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