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Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
Three Covenant Communities
Supply Preaching List
The persons listed here are either minister members of the Presbytery, Ruling Elders Qualified to preach in our church (QREs), or ministers of other denominations who have been approved by the Commission on Ministry to preach on an occasional (no more than twice per month) basis in our churches.
Application to be included on the Supply Preaching List.
Longer term or more frequent preaching arrangements require approval of the Commission on Ministry. Contact the Presbytery Office for details. 910-862-8300.
For the most up to date listing, click here for the online directory.
Note: After entering the pass phrase, look on the left side for "Pulpit Supply List"
To get passcode:
Contact De Scott at the Presbytery office.
Or If you are in the presbytery data yourself (pastors, clerks, committee members, etc.) then you can use the “don’t have a passphrase” option to obtain one.
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